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Product Photography for Eco-Living

Product Photography for Eco-Living

As well as having a practical kitchen, making it a great place to prepare and photograph food and drinks, our studio is the perfect space for product photography.

We’ve photographed so many things there from cotton buds (non plastic of course), to a 2 seater sofa - pretty versatile really.

One of our favourite product clients is Jo from Boobalou and Eco-Living. During Lockdown, it’s been reassuring, on so many levels, to hear she is keeping super busy with online sustainable living product sales. To keep up with the demand for new products, and to ensure the website is kept up to date, we created a system of receiving the products via courier, photographing them, uploading images, and sending the products back as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, over the years of working together, Jo knows she can trust us to create imagery for her Sales and Lifestyle pages to inspire her customers, and make those all important sales.

Jo’s thoughtfully designed and produced products are must haves around the home, replacing so many traditional plastic objects you thought you couldn’t live without - well you can! And it’s always reassuring to hear so many people are making those changes.

For Jo, we provide a complete service to keep her product photography fresh. as she needs two sets of images for every product;

For her website, and other online sales outlets, she needs the products photographed on a plain white background and at various angles to show the product off in it’s best light, and to show all details. This is to create sales after all - so needs to promote the object in an honest way.

Then a selection of lifestyle shots are needed to inspire and ensure the overall buying experience is a positive one.. We all love browsing - so I see this as the browsing section of images. For Jo, we created a clean, fresh look and style for these lifestyle images, to complement the products, and high light the eco message.

It’s been wonderful to see Jo’s business expand, and more and more quality products being added. It was a couple of years ago now, but I remember the first conversation we had when she approached us to work with her on her photography, She appreciated that having quality images would improve her sales and help her grow. We are so pleased she chose us to help her on her journey. I’m also a huge fan, and convert to her Eco Living products now OBVIOUSLY!

”Giles is a genius! Love the images, thank you both so much.
Perfect photos, looking forward to the next shoot”
Jo - Eco Living