Three types of social media video content we create for our clients

Three types of social media video content we create for our clients

Investing in social media video content is a great way to ensure that your brand stands out online. 

In this article, we’re sharing the three types of social media video content we regularly create for our clients. We hope that these examples inspire you and excite you about the creative possibilities!

If so, and you’d like to find out more about our social media video work, do get in touch! 

Social Media Videos by Giles Christopher Photography  

As social media content creators, we know you need to make an impact - fast. You need to trigger interest immediately, and we believe that there’s nothing that’s going to achieve that more quickly than video content! 

Here are 3 of the most popular and impactful video content formats we can create. These types of videos help our clients to get massive results on their social media platforms.

1. Introduction & How-to Videos

Tutorials and how-to videos are ideal for engaging with your audience, building trust, growing your following, increasing brand loyalty and encouraging your audience to enjoy using your brand. 

Using video content on social media to share tips, tricks and helpful guides is a great way to attract the attention and secure the interest of your followers.

2: Stop Frame Animation & Time Lapse

Who doesn’t love stop frame animation? I’m showing my age here, but it takes me back to Morph and The Clangers! Does it you? 

Stop motion animation blends still photos together to create an eye-catching moving video. They are brilliant for visual storytelling and work just as well with or without sound, making them incredibly versatile. 

It’s worth remembering that the additional bonus of investing in stop-frame animation videos for your social media content is that since it is a collection of still images combined together, you not only have the final video file but also the selection of photographs used within the video. 

The photographs will stand out on their own merit and be useful content for your social media channels too! What’s not to like with this one?

Stop frame animation is great for showing off products and ingredients, bringing the in-animate to life. With a bit of thought, planning and a sense of humour, they can take on a quirky character of their own.

3. Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are a clever combination of stills and video.

Cinemagraphs, professionally created, are great at visual storytelling, whether with or without sounds. Plus, they can be used for a variety of purposes, not just as social media content. 

For example, you could consider using cinemagraphs for your digital advertisements, incorporating them on your website, landing pages and within blogs and emails or newsletters. 

Our top tips for creating a successful video for social media campaign

1: Keep it short and sweet

It’s better to make a number of shorter videos that can be viewed and enjoyed again and again, rather than one long video which may not even be viewed in its entirety.

2: Add captions

How often have you viewed a video and kept the sound off, for whatever reason? Captions are crucial for communication, so add these where appropriate. 

3: Optimise for mobile viewers

When creating video content for social media, do consider how viewers are consuming the content. Square or portrait is best, so they don’t have to keep turning their device around.

4: Good lighting, composition and sound is key!

Don’t assume that your social media video content will mainly be viewed on a small screen. You may also want to use them in presentations or on in-house or in-store video screens. 

Invest in great lighting, composition and sound to create a high-quality social media video. Getting this right from the outset will give you more options down the line.

5: Don’t muddle your message or create something quickly for the sake of it

You want to grab your audience’s attention for the right reasons. Being quirky or controversial in your social media video content just because you can isn’t likely to attract the right type of viewer or achieve the desired effect. 

Aim to be perceived as authentic and as an authority in your field. Crucially, you must also communicate clearly that you have the solution to their problem or needs.

Invest time into getting the purpose and the message contained within your social media video content right, and your audience will be more likely to want to invest in you.


There’s no way around it, buying habits and decisions are hugely influenced by social media content, so it’s incredibly important to have video content in your marketing arsenal. 

Creating and sharing videos across your brand’s social media platforms will help get your message across instantly, boost audience engagement and build brand awareness, as well as help to generate leads and sales.

Let’s chat about your social media video content 

As one of the leading commercial photographers in London, Giles Christopher can help you create attention-grabbing stills and moving image content for your brand and products. 

We help food, drink and product brands create video content for social media to get the best possible results. We can shoot both on location and at our professional photography studio in south west London.

If you’d like to find out more about creating and incorporating video into your social media campaigns or are curious about how we can animate an inanimate product you create or sell, now’s the time to contact us for a chat! 

Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you with your next social media video content campaign. Do also take a look at more examples of our motion and social media video work.

Whether you’re interested in  food photography, drink photography, product photography or people & lifestyle photography, our experienced and friendly team can help!

Giles Christopher

Award Winning Commercial photographers based in London, UK - Specializing in Food, Interiors, Drinks, lifestyle and Cinemagraphs.

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